Saturday, August 27, 2011

This Moment is Eternity

True fulfillment can only be discovered right now.  Fulfillment never exists in the past or future, and can never be recreated or imagined.  If we look very deeply, the attempt to secure a permanent and lasting fulfillment in the future is a subtle trap of the mind, as is trying to recreate a wonderful moment from the past.  No matter what our experience is, whether pleasurable or painful, it is always happening now.  We have lots of subtle ways of convincing ourselves that the past is real, or that the future is real....but it is only the present that is actually real and true. 
The paradox that we find ourselves in is that we must give up our delusions of the past and imaginations of the future to discover  the eternal nature of this moment now.  This means that we give up depending on memories of what was, and fantasies about what will be so that this moment can be seen as it really is--sublime.
The fantasies are alluring, attempting to recreate a past feeling or experience is very tempting, but if we are willing to not move to the past or future, we find that what was wanted by looking to the past or to the future is actually here right now.  The bliss, the clarity, the love is here now.  Even in the past when the blissful experience happened, it happened in the now. 
The trick of the mind is to look behind or to look ahead.  To stop looking for a moment is to find what it is you're really looking for.  It's not an experience, it's not a feeling, it's not an is simply This, Here, Now.  It is your very own Self. 
This moment is eternally satisfying until it becomes clouded by some want, some imagination, some fantasy.  Eternity is the simplest discovery of all, for it is the only thing that is always here.  It appears difficult because it so immaculately simple.  Just don't go anywhere, and you see that this eternal moment is more than you could ever want.
