Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Dharma Point

Coming upon the dharma point is an essential moment in one's awakening. In yoga it is sometimes called samadhi, in zen it's called satori. The point is, there comes a moment of reckoning so profound that it forever changes the way we operate. It's not that we try and try and try and eventually achieve this's that when we finally exhaust all our efforts that this moment spontaneously implodes all of our notions of reality.
Awakening is a time bomb, setting out on the journey for it only leaves a limited amount of time before the real destruction hits. It is usually when we least expect it that this thing called Truth rises up and claims our life. This is the dharma point.
This is not to say that this moment permanently erases all traces of our conditioning or patterned ways of behaving, rather it is the first real moment of our lives, or it is our birth out of the unreal, and an acceptance of the real that has always been Here.
The Dharma Point is seen to be all there is time, and is life regardless of birth or death.

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