Saturday, February 27, 2010


Meditation is the discovery of Self.  We sit down to meditate and what we first come in contact with is the huge momentum of everything that we think we are.  This means everything from thoughts and feeling that we had as children up to who we think we are in the present.  But, these thoughts and feelings are always shifting, changing and dying.  Our image of ourselves, and all that we imagine when we say "me" is what immediately arises when we sit down, close our eyes and do this thing called meditate.
Meditation has nothing to do with quieting the mind or stopping thinking, this is the misconception that many people have.  Meditation is about discovery what is presnt regardless of thought.  It is about finding what those thoughts and feelings occur within...what is it that experiences "my" experiences?
To become aware of thought can be very useful, just as becoming aware of emotion can be useful, but if we never stop to find out WHO these thoughts and emotions belong to then we never really get to the core of the matter.
To get to the core of the matter we must begin to be interested in finding out "what is my self"  what am I referring to when I say "I".  Is it just this bag of bones?  Is it my thoughts? Is it how I feel?
These are the questions that our meditation can be an alive investigation into.
Meditation is about discovering that there is no separate self, and to see that all the thoughts and feeling have pointed to an imagination... and in discovering your life imagining, one can find out who one truly is.
We can't talk about what you find there.
That discovery is meditation Itself.

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