Thursday, May 20, 2010

Causeless Ceaseless Bliss

Ananda, Bliss is what we so crave as 'spiritual' people.  We want to escape the turmoil of this existence and its unenlightened people and hold up in some Nirvana....this is all a huge waste of time!  If we think that bliss is forthcoming, that its in some expanded awareness or sense of ourselves, than its not really bliss that we're after.  Bliss is only right here, not in some fulfillment of an idea of enlightenment....we are very arrogant in our search for bliss, and also in the thinking that we've found it. 
Bliss is the ground on which we all stand, it is not some feeling you get after your chakras are all illumined the right way.  Bliss is the ruthless simplicity of this drop of water on this blade of grass.  Bliss is not some special state or experience. 
Nor is bliss coming and going.  If it comes and goes it's not bliss, for bliss is always here underneath every coming and going.  This is why when we attach ourselves to a blissful experiences or go chasing a blissful experience we suffer--our suffering is letting us know we're in a fruitless journey, for what we seek is right here before we ever take a step. 
My urging to you is to discover yourself to be that Bliss.  In order to discover that you must find out what does not come and go.  What is both ceaseless and causeless....
A few really huge experiences or a couple hits of samadhi, or some major intuition you may have does not indicate that you've discovered the ground of Being as your own Self.  And if you think you've got it and someone else doesn't, the only thing you've got is a delusion.
This causeless, ceaseless Bliss is ruthless--it will consume every image, idea, and identity until only Itself remains.
