Thursday, April 28, 2011

Enlightenment Destroys Mindfulness

There is a saying from Tibetan Tantra that mindfulness must be kept always.  Until, it is said, enlightenment comes to demolish your mindfulness, one must keep watch always over the tendencies, habits, and impurities of mind. 
Mindfulness and vigilance lead to the spontaneous awakening of our true nature from its nap of self.  When the nap ends, like cold water on your face, there's no need to keep dreaming mindfulness any longer. Is that to say that mindfulness doesn't happen?  No~
It simply means an end to the identity which was being mindful, an end to the self that was that point of speaking your whole life is mindfulness, which is to say enlightenment is your life.
Does that mean everything is pleasurable? No~
It simply means you're not napping anymore, you've woken up...then the responsibility of living what you really are begins to annoy you.  It annoys you until you really can't take it anymore, then you wake up deeper.  Over and over and, now, now.

Mindfulness can be fancy, can be hard, can be a pleasure, but when the monster of enlightenment comes to eat you up, you are swallowed up whole--mindful or not. 
At this point the ego has the opportunity to try to enlighten itself which is called egomania, which results in intellectual enlightenment and actual delusion.  Or, ego has the opportunity to go along with the whole thing, which can be extraordinarily painful, but completely fresh and awake.  It's really up to how much you're willing to quit indulging fear and hope.
When fear and hope are gone, enlightenment is just being natural.  With no hope and no fear you manifest mindfulness spontaneously, somewhat wildly~
When the nap of our delusion is cut, we don't really need an alarm clock anymore, just a warm cup of tea and a dreadful smile.

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