Saturday, July 2, 2011

Reality Beyond Concept

When I use the word reality I often have people qualify my statement by adding 'your reality' to what I've said.  This is the very disease of the mind that I am seeking to illuminate in our time together.  Our minds tend to look at reality as 'your reality' and 'my reality'.  While I readily agree that you have your experience and I have mine, reality is not derived from your experience or mine at all.  Reality is what is constant for both you and I.  It is what our beliefs, ideas, opinions, and experiences exist within.  That is the Reality I'm talking about when I use the word.  Our discriminating mind wants to qualify that reality with characteristics, qualities, descriptions...but all these fall short of truly conveying the one living Reality from which all other realities manifest.  Trouble is, you can't conceptualize it, prove it, disprove it, own it, or even validate it in any way.  It is what needs no validation for Its existence, It is because it is. It is because without It there could be nothing.  It is. It is.

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