Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Perfect Teaching

This moment is the perfect teacher.  Whatever you need most for you to be awake and free  is provided as a teaching in this very instant.  We are often looking for teachings that help us to feel better about ourselves, all the while neglecting the obvious teaching that is right in front of our face.  As we begin to see that every moment is a profound teaching, we come into accord with things as they are.  Life begins to make sense because we are actually interested in what's here, rather than fantasizing or resisting what is. 
It may seem that this moment is painful, it may seem less than fulfilling, but if we look honestly it is not this moment that is disappointing.  It is the fantasizing and resistance that make this moment seem less than enough.  The perfect teaching visits you as you need it.  If you need a hit of bliss, you'll get it.  If you need some pain, you'll get it.  Trouble is, you aren't in control of the teaching that you need.  We think we know what we need---we have no idea about what we actually need!  Only Life knows~
Can you hand over the reigns of imaginary control and allow life to teach you finally?  Can you let go of what you think you want to find out what Life wants for you? 
We are very accustomed to believing that we should have some say, that it should feel fair, that life should move on our terms.  Is it true?
To be humbled and shocked by seeing our insistence that life teach us in a certain way, and to open to what Life is actually teaching right now, is a sublime insane joy.  It is an end to fantasy and resistance.
The perfect teaching is in your midst,  let it have you. 

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