Saturday, March 6, 2010

Life and Death

Life and death are the same, birth and life are the same.  Birth and death oppose each other, but life opposes nothing.  Life just is, it is all that there is.  It is a great error to think that you were born, or that you'll die.  Just as Life is never born and never dies, so too with you.  The body will die.  The Self that animates it cannot.  The Self and Life are the same. 
The fear of death is based on the assumption that because the body will die, you will die.  If you were aware that you could not die, what fear could touch you?
If we're really serious about discovering the truth of our existence we must look into this matter of life and death.  There is no getting to Nirvana without first holding this great question very dear. 
We must proceed beyond, to stare directly at our unborn essence, and to see that death is an imagination created from a primary imagination: a sense of separate self.
To find this separate self is to clear up the matter of life and death.  To dig down to the root and find out what this self is made of is to look directly at one's true nature. 
In order to live you must first die, and in order to die you must find out what is living.
No birth, no death, no self, no this, no that...only Life.

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