Friday, March 5, 2010


As is often the case, words hold within them great truths, but it is our consciousness that must look deeply in order to see what is hidden within the words.  I find this word reincarnation particularly useful to reveal a deeper truth within our experience.  RE:  again  INCARNATION: coming into the flesh
We are all familiar with the traditional definitions of reincarnation...we die, we're reborn over and over until we reach liberation, right?
But that is all theory, very few of us have that direct knowledge.  There is though, a pointing to our actual direct experience right here, right now.  That pointing is to see how we constantly re-identify with our bodies, with our thoughts about our bodies, and the conditions that our bodies live in.  And I'm not just talking about superficial identification, "I strive to be attractive".  I am talking about the constant binding of 'I' with the body.  Our notion of our self is continually tied to the shifting changes of the body. 
In deep sleep, or even during an engaging movie, we temporarily drop the identification with the body, only to reincarnate again by re-identifying the body as 'me'.   We repeat this cycle a nearly infinite number of times until one day we stop and look, "what am I, really?"  If my body changes, and my mind changes, and my conditions change...what is it that does not change? 
To find that out is liberation...
The notion of ourselves as body, as mind, as conditions, is liberated from the bind of 'self'.
The cycle of reincarnation doesn't end in the future, it ends when we finally get interested in finding out what's True.
The Truth  reveals that there is nothing to reincarnate, and that there is only One that itself incarnates as all things... the reincarnation is not yours or mine.
That which believes itself to be in the flesh must find its non-existence to be liberated, and upon liberation realizes Itself to be that which exists infinitely and eternally.

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