Friday, July 2, 2010

Where God Is

"God is an intelligible sphere whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere."
                         ~Corpus Hermeticum of the 3rd Century:
 What is it that we call God, aside from the images, ideas, and assumptions that have been handed down to us--and sometimes shoved down our throat?
This phrase "God is an intelligible sphere whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere" is such an accurate pointer for the true and living nature of God.  If we take God to be a person, or thing, or even some 'force with an intention' we miss the real thing.  Likewise, if we assume that there is no greater essence than our material world is just as much of a misunderstanding.
In order to see the real and actual nature of God we have to hold both formlessness and form simultaneously.  If God is God, it must be everything everywhere.  And, if God is God there must be nothing that is not God.  Otherwise, what we call God is a fantasy in our mind.
When God is That which contains your life and also who and what you are, then God is real, and living, and nowhere else but right Here now.
With very good reason this word God has a great deal of stigma attached to it, because the distortions that have been made of this very simple and intimate Presence have been widespread and used for all sorts of violence.
So, let us give this word God back to the Truth of itself so that we needn't run from a concept that no longer serves our awakening.  If, though, we can see the real and true nature of God, we will no longer run, and we will no longer seek more understanding, nor will we cling to material reality as any more real than the non-material reality.
Ultimately, God is your own Self, and my Self, and the Self of all things everywhere.

Locate your Self and you locate God~
As with God, your Self has no actual circumference, and its center is everywhere all at once.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I Love the way you write...such clarity and wisdom. Thank you for being willing to share...
