Friday, September 3, 2010

Don't Believe the Lie

Anything that tells you that you are not whole and complete is untrue and we can right away ignore that information.  What we can't ignore is the call, the longing that tells us that we are not in harmony with our Oneness, our True Nature.  That call, that scream is the voice of the Self calling us to awaken all the sleeping energies within ourselves and to emerge in Love.
It is not a call to change, to do something, to achieve anything.  Rather, it is a call to shift from "me-ness" and our limited view to the view of entirety, of the One.  The shift is toward opening, softening, relaxing and letting go of the constant striving.  It is a shift from being so involved in our story to letting everything dissolve in peace. 
Mind will always say "I'm not whole" because the very nature of our thinking is partiality, division, interpretation, and analysis.  Our thinking does not and cannot understand Oneness.  In order for the mind to understand Oneness, it would have to be outside of Oneness looking in...that simply cannot be when we recognize that Oneness includes everything and has no boundaries.
Ultimately,  the basic ground of our mind is Oneness, and as that essential truth is realized the need to try to understand or comprehend our wholeness is seen as futile.  Mind eventually sees that it and Oneness are the sameand with that comes an enormous peace and ease of being.
This eventuality that I'm talking about is not necessarily in's not a matter of when, how, or why but simply a matter of Is.  Oneness is Here right now.  When the mind is available to recognize this, the eventuality is seen to be ever-present.
There is a very subtle difference between the call that draws us into our wholeness, and the thinking that would tell us we are not whole.  We can only see this through direct experience.  Only after we have failed to find what the Heart has been calling us to do we finally realize that it isn't 'out there' to be found.
Both longing and searching can come with pain, and both can carry enormous energy.  However (and ultimately)  we have this choice to stop believing anything at all and drop completely into Oneness right now.  Don't wait another instant!

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