Saturday, April 17, 2010

Total Faith

True and total Faith has nothing to do with beliefs.  Total Faith is knowing.  The difficulty is in trying to describe what that Faith is or what is known.  Total Faith is what relies on nothing at all.  Total Faith is what arises when you have discovered your true nature.  Awakening erases the believer in us and makes us what we were believing in... from that, Total Faith becomes our life...who we are....what we are.  It is a faith that goes beyond the believer and its object of belief.  Total Faith ends our belief oriented faith.  It takes the whole structure of our belief and turns it around so that we have become what we were believing in.
I cannot say have total faith that you will get everything you want. I cannot say that total faith holds promise for what one is seeking.  Total Faith is itself the means and end.  It is the deepest desire of the heart, and the fulfillment of all longing.  It is Life, unhinged.  As Total Faith, we no longer rely on anything either outside ourselves or inside ourselves....Total Faith annihilates all of our conceptualizations and puts our life in direct contact with the Source of all Being.  In direct contact with the Source one becomes Faith itself.  All need, all desire, all hope is unnecessary because one knows oneself to be the Totality.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like that. Thanks, Adi.
